The UT Select insurance plans from the UT System Office of Employee Benefits now covers tobacco cessation counseling using network providers and nicotine replacement therapy or non-nicotine medications with an authorized prescription for $0 co-payment and no deductible.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to assist employees with identifying successful quit strategies. Call 512-471-3366 to schedule an appointment.

For all members of the campus community

Become an Ex — The EX plan teaches you how to live life without cigarettes in 3 steps – all geared to help make the seemingly impossible possible.

Quit Tobacco-Make Everyone Proud — Online program from the Department of Defense for US military service members and Veterans.

Kill the Can — This website offers free resources and tools to help dip, snuff, and chewing tobacco users quit. Along with useful information, it offers a support forum and a live quit chat room.

MedlinePlus® — Tobacco Cessation References

Enroll in Tobacco Research Studies

The Anxiety & Health Behaviors Lab offers free evidenced-based smoking cessation classes and nicotine replacement treatment (Nicoderm CQ®). This service is open to the community, including students, faculty and staff. Call 512-471-1117 or email for more information on how to enroll.